Terms and Translations
Shorted form of words or word groups
section Antiquitates
(Lat.) antiquities = the MGH section responsible for editions of medieval poetry and memorial texts
Section Diplomata
(Lat.) charters = The MGH Section responsible for the edition of medieval charters
Section Epistolae
(Lat.) Letters = The MGH section responsible for the edition of medieval letters
Section Leges
(Lat.) legal texts = The MGH section responsible for the edition of medieval legal texts
Section Scriptores
(Lat.) (history) writers = The MGH section responsible for the edition of medieval historiographical texts; the oldes section of the MGH; Scriptores antiquissimi = the earliest historiographers
Acta Sanctorum
"Acts of the saints", a critical edition of the lives of the saints of the Roman-Catholic Church with a historical-critical commentary published by the Society of Bollandistes (cf. terms and translations)
German: ancestoral heritage; a research division of the SS founded in 1935 as ""Deutsches Ahnenerbe. Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte e. V.“, from 1937 onwards simply: „Das Ahnenerbe e. V.“ See (in German): https://www.dhm.de/lemo/kapitel/ns-regime/innenpolitik/ahnenerbe
(Information on the domestic policies of the NS regime from the Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin)
Albert Behaim
a curial advocate under Popes Innocent III (1198–1216) and Honorius III. (1216–1227); his epistolary and memorial book are edited in the MGH series "Briefe des späteren Mittelalters": Das Brief- und Memorialbuch des Albert Behaim, hg. von Thomas Frenz und Peter Herde, 2000.
Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB)
a biographical reference work published 1875-1912 (reprint 1967-1971) in 56 volumes by the Historische Commission at the Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften (now the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities) in Munich; the updated version is the Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB).
Anmerkungen zu den Jahrbüchern Friedrichs I.
publication of open letters by Henry Simonsfeld and Ferdinand Güterbock documenting their conflict over Simonsfeld's publication of the "Jahrbücher Friedrichs I.", Nachricht Nr. 20, in: Neues Archiv 34 (1919), pp. 229-231.
Annales Beneventani
the annals of Benevento, also known as "Breve chronicon monasterii Sanctae Sophiae Beneventi", compiled in the 12th century in the monastery Santa Sofia in Benevento
Ansbert and Tageno
Tageno: dean of the church of Passau, recorded as notary and chaplain of the bishop on 29 November 1184; he participated in the third crusade and wrote a travel report; Ansbert (name uncertain) lived at the end of the 12th century and wrote an account of the crusade of Emperor Frederick I (Historia de expeditione Friederici), partly drawing on Tageno's crusade report. The chronicle of Vincent of Prague, Gerlach of Mühlhausen and "Ansbert" is an MGH edition project.
Here: the complete collection of work materials for the preparation of an edition.
Bayerischer Landbote
A Bavarian daily paper, published 1825-1933
Bayreuther Blätter
A monthly journal published by Hans von Wolzogen 1878-1938, in the spirit of Richard Wagner and in connection with the Bayreuth Wagner festival.
Bekennende Kirche (BK)
German: the confessing church: an Evangelical movement opposing National-Socialist efforts to co-opt the organisation and teachings of the German Evangelical Church (DEK).
Benedictus Levita
no known biographical record; writing under this name around the middle of the 9th century in the milieu of the Pseudoisidorian forgeries, the author produced a collection of capitularies comprising three books with over 1700 forged legal texts; the edition of the false capitularies of Benedictus Levita is a long-standing MGH project
Berliner Antisemitismusstreit (Berlin anti-Semitism debate)
a public debate that raged in the German Reich from 1879 to 1881 over the influence of Jews, the so-called "Jewish question"; also known as the "Treitschkestreit" or "Treitschkiade" after Heinrich von Treitschke, a historian and member of the Reichstag, whose article "Unsere Aussichten" (cf. terms and translations) precipitated the debate.
Berliner Meermann hss.
Die lateinischen Meerman-Handschriften des Sir Thomas Phillipps in der Königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin / beschrieben von Valentin Rose. Berlin : Schade, 1892. - XXIII, 513 S. (Verzeichnis d. von d. Königl. Bibliothek zu Berlin erworbenen Meerman-Handschriften d. Sir Thomas Phillipps ; 2)
Bertold - Bernold
the chronicles of Berthold and Bernold: Berthold's chronicle begins with the year 1054, it was continued by Bernold of Constance; edited by Ian Stuart Robinson, Die Chroniken Bertholds von Reichenau und Bernolds von Konstanz 1054–1100 (MGH SS Rer. Germ. Nova Series XIV), Hannover 2003
Biblioteca Marciana
A library in Venice, one of the largest national libraries in Italy with an important collection of Greek, Latin, and Oriental manuscripts
piece work payment according to the number of printed quires = 8 sheets of paper printed on both sides = 16 pages of text
Bollandist Society
The Bollandist Society (French: Société des Bollandistes), formed in the early 17th century and named after the Belgian Jesuit Jean Bolland, publishes critical editions of the lives of the saints of the Catholic Church with historical-critical commentary in the series Acta Sanctorum.
Caesarius of Heisterbach
* ca. 1180 in or near Cologne; † 1240 in Heisterbach; erudite Cistercian monk and novice master in the Cistercian monastery Heisterbach; wrote a collection of miracle reports or exempla, an important source for medieval cultural history; Wilhelm Levison contributed largely to the edition of his work but was not mentioned in the publication: Hilka, Alfons (Hg.), Die Wundergeschichten des Caesarius von Heisterbach (Publikationen der Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde 43, Band 1 und 3), Bonn 1933-37
(Lat.) a canon, member of a clerical body (cathedral chapter or collegiate church)
Capitula Angilramni
a collection of Roman-Catholic Church law written in the 2nd quarter of the 9th century, part of the Pseudoisidorian Forgeries, purporting to have been given to Bishop Angilram of Metz (768-791) by Pope Adrian I; edited by Karl-Georg Schon in the MGH series Studien und Texte, vol. 39: Die Capitula Angilramni. Eine prozessrechtliche Fälschung Pseudoisidors, 2006.
(Lat.) in chapter
(Italian) knight, cavalier; an Italian title
French: compassion, charity; the oldest hospital in Berlin, founded in 1710 as a plague house by the Prussian king Frederick I
Chronicon Altinate
(Lat.) the chronicle of Altinum, a legendary city whence the founders of the city of Venice are said to have come; one of the earliest Venetian historiographical works
Chronicon Faventinum
(Lat.) the chronicle of Faventium, heute Faenza, written by a cleric known as "Tolosanus" around 1200; edition: Magistri Tolosani Chronicon Faventinum (aa. 20 a.C.-1236), hg. von Giuseppe Rossini (Rerum italicarum scriptores² 28,1), Città di Castello 1936-1939
cod. Pal. lat. 296
= Codex Palatinus Latinus 296; a manuscript collection of works by Hincmar of Reims (dated to the 3rd quarter of the 11th century) in the Vatican Apostolic Library
Codex Hecht
manuscript Ms. germ. fol. 942, in the Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Codex Phillippicus
see: Philippicus -
Codices Latini Antiquiores
a catalogue of all known Latin manuscripts (codices and scrolls) of literary works written before the 9th century, edited according to palaeographical (cf. terms and translations) principles; the project was initiated in 1929 by Elias Avery Lowe and directed by him from 1936 onwards
Collectio Hincmari archiepiscopi. De ecclesiis et capellis
(Lat.) eine colletion of Archbishop Hincmar of Reims: On churches and chapels
edited by Martina Stratmann in volume 14 of the MGH series Fontes iuris Germanici antiqui in usum scholarum separatim editi, Hannover 1990
a sub-series of the MGH section Leges for editions of the records of medieval church councils
Concilia vacat
(Lat.) literally „Concilia is vacant"; at that time, the MGH had no editor for the series Concilia
MGH series "Constitutiones et acta publica imperatorum et regum"; a series of the MGH section Leges
Dank hat in Zeitung abstatten
German: announced thanks in the newspaper; it was a common practice to advertise the name of a good doctor or service provider in the newspaper
Dawes Plan
war reparation plan named after the American economist Charles Gates Dawes: the rates of WWI reparations that Germany was to pay to the Allies were to be gauged according to the economic capacities of the Weimar Republic
(Lat.) he, she, it gave (something); here in the sense: given by
Deutsch-israelitischer Gemeindebund (DIGB)
German-Israelite community association, 1869-1933, the first supra-regional umbrella organisation of Jewish communities in Germany, a precursor to the present-day "Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland"
Deutsches Archiv
the short title of the MGH journal of studies, previously published as the "Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde", referring to either:
1. Deutsches Archiv für Geschichte des Mittelalters, Jg. 1-7, 1937-1944
2. Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters (DA), Jg. 8 -, from 1951 on.
The MGH journal publishes the president's annual reports on the state of the MGH in general, the progress of work and the decisions passed by the central board of directors (cv. terms and translations).
Diplomata Karolinorum
(Lat.) charters of the Carolingians, a series of the Section Diplomata for the edition of the charters of Carolingian rulers (8th/9th centuries)
the study of charters and other legal documents transmitted in their original form on papyrus, parchment or paper or in copies in chartularies or in the usually abbreviated entries in charter registers
edition Mittarelli
Giovanni Benedetto Mittarelli, Ad Scriptores Rerum Italicarum L. Muratorii Accessiones Historicae Faventinae, Venedig 1771.
edition Borsieri in Documenti tomus VI
Documenti di storia italiana pubblicati a cura della R. Deputazione sugli studi di storia patria per le provincie di Toscana, dell’Umbria e delle Marche. Tom VI: Cronache dei secoli XIII e XIV, Florenz 1876.
Dümmler, Streitschrift
Ernst Dümmler, Eine Streitschrift für die Priesterehe, in: Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 21 (1902), S. 418-441.
ed io sol uno m‘apparecchio a sostener la guerra sì del lavoro e sì dello scirocco di Monaco, nonché della pioggia perpetua
(Italian) and now I ready myself for the struggle, both with the work and with the Munich Scirocco [probably an allusion to the weather phenomenon "Foehn" common in Munich] and no less with the perpetual rain (a reference to Dante, Divina Commedia, Inferno, Canto 2, verses 3-5)
Jewish emancipation law 23.7.1847
Legislation passed by the "Vereinigter Landtag" recognising the legal equality of all Prussian Jews (excepting those in the province of Posen) as laid down by the Prussian "Judenedikt" of 1812; at the same time, the law excluded Jews from holding public office
embarras de richesse
(French) literally: embarrassed on account of wealth, spoilt for choice
to emend
In the preparation of a critical edition: the improvement or supplementation of doubtful or incomplete text passages on the basis of a textual comparison with other versions
enemy alien
(Engl.) citizen or subject of a foreign state that is in conflict with the domestic country
Fondaco dei Tedeschi
(Italian) "warehouse of the Germans", a state-controlled trading house and establishment for German merchants at the Rialto in Venice
Forte dei Marmi
an Italian community in the province of Lucca on the Ligurian coast; in 1788 the fort "Il Fortino" was built there by Grand Duke Leopold I of Tuscany; well-known as a port for the transport of Carrara marble
frater in Apolline
(Lat.) brother in Apollo, fellow poet
Friedenau children
the families of Otto Perels with four children: Gisela, Christoph, Dorothea, and Wolfgang, and Ulrich Perels with three children.
German: a military term defining the peacetime strength of the armed forces without mobilisation
fugit irreparebile tempus feriarum
(Lat.) free time flies by forever (an allusion to Vergil, Georgica III, line 284)
Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde
The MGH were founded in 1819 by Reichsfreiherr Karl vom und zum Stein as the "Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde" (the society for the study of older German history) to the purpose of "producing the complete edition of the source-writers of German medieval histories".
Gesta Federici
(Lat.) the deeds of Frederick I, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, edited by Oswald Holder-Egger as volume 27 of the series: Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi (SS rer. Ger.): Gesta Federici I. imperatoris in Lombardia auctore cive Mediolanensi (Annales Mediolanenses maiores), Anhang: Gesta Federici I. in expeditione sacra, 1892.
from Latin: glossa: an explanatory note written either between the lines (interlinear) or in the margin (marginal)
Gregory of Tours
* 30 November 538 near Clermont-Ferrand; † presumably 17 November 594 in Tours; bishop of Tours, important historiographer and hagiographer of the Merovingian Age;
Gregory of Tours' main work, the "Historia Francorum" or "Libri historiarum X" , (history of the Franks resp. ten books of histories) is written in the tradition of Late Antiquity universal historiography and is an important source for the history of the Early Middle Ages
written accounts of the lives of saints, often including miracle reports; hagiographic biographies are known as "vitae" (lives)
Hahnsche Buchhandlung
the publishing house Hahn, founded 1792, has printed the books of the MGH since 1862
Heinrich von Diessenhofen
ca. 1302-1376, jurist, custos in Beromünster, at times active at the papal Curia in Avignon; wrote a chronicle continuing the church history of Tolomeus of Lucca; the edition of his chronicle is an MGH edition project
Historia Francorum (or Historiae libri X)
(Lat.) the history of the Franks, the compendious main work of Gregory of Tours telling the history of the Franks in ten books, an important source for the history of the Merovingian Age.
Historische Hilfswissenschaften
(German): "historical auxilliary sciences", also known as "Grundwissenschaften": the term traditionally covered the studies of palaeography, diplomatics, archival sciences including early modern palaeography, sigillography (the study of seals), chronology, heraldry (the study of armorial bearings), genealogy and numismatics (the study of coins). More recently, they have been extended to cover subjects such as medieval and early modern epigraphics and "Realienkunde" (the study of material culture). In the meanwhile also statistical and computer based methods have become essential for historical research. Each field of study has its own methods and aims; as "Grundwissenschaften" they provide historians with a tool-kit of methods to analyse the written and material historical sources. (see hgw.geschichte.uni-muenchen.de)
Holder-Egger, Italienische Prophetieen
Oswald Holder-Egger, Italienische Prophetieen des 13. Jahrhunderts II., in: Neues Archiv 30 (1905) pp. 321-386.
Honorary Fellow
an academic title of honour for outstanding scholarly achievements in connection with the university which awards it; the title entails no obligations to teach, but it is common to hold an inaugual lecture on receiving the fellowship
I should be untrue to myself if I did not mention my old alma mater Bonnensis and the Monumenta Germaniae historica...
Ich würde mir selbst untreu werden, wenn ich nicht meine alte alma mater Bonnensis und die Monumenta Germaniae Historica erwähnen würde. Wenn mein vorliegendes Buch überhaupt brauchbar ist, so ruht es auf den Grundlagen, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Dienst geschaffen worden sind, den ich viele Jahre hindurch diesen beiden Institutionen zu leisten den Vorzug hatte. Ich gedenke dankbaren Sinnes der glücklichen Zusammenarbeit mit alten Freunden, Kollegen und Schülern, von denen viele nicht das Knie vor Baal beugten, sondern treu blieben, bis der Abschiedsstunde nicht mehr länger ausgewichen werden konnte.
in casu mortis
(Lat.) in case of death
Jahrbücher Friedrichs I. (vol. 1)
Henry Simonsfeld, Jahrbücher des Deutschen Reiches unter Friedrich I. Band 1: 1152-1158 (Jahrbücher der Deutschen Geschichte 17,1), Leipzig 1908.
annual report of the central board of directors 1901
Bericht über die siebenundzwanzigste Jahresversammlung der Centraldirection der Monumenta Germaniae historica (report on the 27th annual sitting of the central board of directors of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica). Berlin 1901, in: Neues Archiv 27 (1902), pp. 1-8.
Carolingian Age
8th-9th century, the period of rule of the Frankish Carolingian dynasty in Central Europe
classical philology
the study of the classical ancient languages, Latin and Greek, and their literature
(lat. codex, plural: codices) manuscript
to collate, collation
In the preparation of a critical edition, the individual manuscript copies of the text are compared with each other word for word and letter for letter (collating) in order to reconstruct the original text; variations are noted in the critical apparatus. The critical apparatus and the commentary are the key elements of a critical edition.
lecture or tuition fees
fees payed by university students for courses and lectures; the money was given to lecturer as part of his or her pay
the Laurentian Library (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana) in Florence, famous for its manuscript collection
Order of St. Lazarus
originally an order for the care of lepers, merged with the Order of St. Maurice by the Duke of Savoy as a knightly order, in Italy the second highest order of merit
Lex Salica
(Lat.) Salic Law; a germanic law code originating during the Germanic migration into the Roman Empire (5th to 6th century), named after the Salfranks, a Frankish tribe; edited by Karl August Eckhardt in the MGH section Leges
Liber Pontificalis
(Lat.) papal book; a chronologically ordered collection of papal biographies; the earliest parts were written in the 9th century and are almost completely transmitted, later continuations however are incomplete.
Edited by Theodor Mommsen in the MGH series Gesta pontificum Romanorum: Liber Pontificalis, Teil 1, 1898
an epic poem in 10 books relating the deeds of Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa, written in the late 12th century, presumably by the Cistercian monk Gunther of Pairis
edited by Erwin Assmann in: Gunther der Dichter, Ligurinus (MGH SS rer. Germ. 63), 1987
Bibliotheca Lindesiana; today part of the British Library in London
Literarisches Zentralblatt für Deutschland
A weekly paper printed in Leipzig 1850-1944, with critical reviews of scholarly publications from Germany and important foreign works; after 1900 also with reviews of works of fiction.
a manuscript collection in the Florentine national library named after the collector Antonio Magliabe(c)chi (1633-1714)
mali usus
(Lat.) of bad practice, freely translated: hard to do
From Jiddish: „Masel tov" meaning "good luck"
Mathias of Neuenburg
from Neuenburg im Breisgau, died 1364; jurist, author of a history of the Empire from the end of the reign of Emperor Frederick II until 1350; his work is edited in volume 4 of the MGH series Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, Nova series: Die Chronik des Mathias von Neuenburg (Chronica Mathiae de Nuwenburg), hg. von Adolf Hofmeister, 1924-1940.
Merovingian Age
In the Gallo-Germanic world the period between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, ca. 500-750 A.D., named after the ruling dynasty, the Merovingians
Monumenta Bambergensia
(Lat.): (written) monuments of the history of Bamberg
Monumenta Erphesfurtensia
(Lat.) literary monuments of Erfurt
Monumenta Moguntina
(Lat.): (written) monuments of the history of Mainz
A list of the names of the dead
Neues Archiv
Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für Ältere Deutsche Geschichtskunde, issues 1-50 (1876-1935), precursor to the "Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters" (DA) as journal of the MGH
Nicolaus of Butrinto
† 1 March 1316 in Toul; Dominican monk, titulary bishop of Butrinto, confidant of Emperor Henry VII;
author of an account of Emperor Henry VII's journey to Rome: "Relatio de itinere Italico Heinrici VII. ad Clementem V"
(Italian) no lesser than / no less a person than
Nomina sacra
(Lat.) holy names, a term used by Ludwig Traube in the special sense of frequent abbreviations of holy names, titles or denotations in early Greek and Latin manuscripts (e.g. IHS/JHS = Jesus, XPS = Christus)
Traube, Ludwig, Nomina sacra. Versuch einer Geschichte der christlichen Kürzung (Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters 2), München 1907
Nazi race law
see: Nuremberg Laws
Nuremberg Laws
Nazi race laws unanimously passed in the German Reichstag on 15. September 1935 (the date coincided with the NSDAP Party rally in Nuremberg) implementing National Socialist racist ideology and providing legal legitimation for the discrimination and persecution of Jews: the "Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour" (Reichsgesetzblatt I S. 1146, so-called "Blutschutzgesetz") and the "Reich Citizenship Law"; the laws were thereafter substantiated and tightened up by supplementary decrees.
For more information see: https://www.dhm.de/lemo/kapitel/ns-regime/ausgrenzung/nuernberg/ (in German)
Volume in octavo format (8°) with each sheet folded three times to form eight leaves; also a historical book size of ca. 18-20 cm.
olim in Frisingensis; scripsit Valerianus
(Lat.) formerly in [the cathedral library] of Freising, according to Valerianus
Otto Morena
ca, 1100-1161, a judge in Lodi; wrote a historiographical work relating the deeds of Frederick Barbarossa in Lombardy up to the year 1161 (Historia Friderici I. imperatoris); the work is edited in volume 7 of the MGH series Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, Nova series: Das Geschichtswerk des Otto Morena und seiner Fortsetzer über die Taten Friedrichs I. in der Lombardei (Ottonis Morenae et continuatorum historia Frederici I.), hg. von Ferdinand Güterbock, 1930.
Palaeography, palaeographer
Term derived from ancient Greek palaios ( = old, ancient) and graphein (to write): the study of the development and forms of writing from ancient Roman script to medieval and early modern scripts (for more information (in German) see: hgw.geschichte.uni-muenchen.de -
pangermaniste militante
(French) a militant "pan-Germanist", i.e. seeking to unify all German-speaking peoples in one nation
Petrus de Vinea
* befor 1200 in Capua; † April 1249 in San Miniato; chancellor of Emperor Frederick II; a letter collection was compiled under his name; the "Briefsammlung" of Petrus de Vinea is an MGH edition project
Phillippicus 1795, Phillippicus 1825
Manuscripts of the Bibliotheca Philippica in Cheltenham
Poetae Latini aevi Carolini
(Lat.) the Latin poets of the Carolingian Age; published in vol. 1-4 in the MGH series "Poetae Latini medii aevi"
Poetae Latini medii aevi
(Lat.)the Latin poets of the Middle Ages; an MGH edition series for the Latin poetry of the Carolingian and Ottonian Age
(Lat.) preface
praeter P(ropter)
(Lat., mostly as one word) thereabout, more or less
(Lat.) things of the past
pro nihilo
(Lat.) for nothing
collective name for a number of forged collections of Church law originating in the 9th century in the region of modern-day eastern France; Pseudoisidor is the largest and most influential medieval forgery of Church law.
quarto, a book format (4°) with the sheets folded twice to make four leaves; also a historical book size either as small quarto (kl. 4°) = ca. 23–26 cm or large quarto (gr. 4°) = ca. 35–40 cm
German: quaestorship, bursary
rebus sic stantibus
(Lat.) as things now stand
regest, pl. regesta
contentual summaries of charters; regesta of the charters of the Frankish and German rulers are published by the project Regesta Imperii
Reichsinstitut für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde
From 1935 to 1945, the MGH was restructured under this name as a National Socialist Reich institute and subordinated to the Reichsministerium für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung (REM, the Reich Ministry for Science, Education, and Culture).
Book review of: Jahrbücher Friedrichs I. (Bd. 1)
Ferdinand Güterbock, Nachricht Nr. 183, in: Neues Archiv 33 (1908), pp. 552-553.
Riccaut de la Marlimère
A figure in Lessing's play „Minna von Barnhelm“
Riccobaldus von Ferrara
1246 – after 1320; notary, author of a chronicle of Ferrara, a compendium of Roman history, and geographical compilations
(lat.) Jahrhundert
a codification of Saxon law written by Eike von Repgow between 1220 and 1235; one of the oldest and most important sources of medieval German law, edited by Karl August Eckhardt as first volume of the series MGH Fontes iuris Germanici antiqui, Nova series: Sachsenspiegel, Teil 1 Landrecht (common law) und Teil 2 Lehnrecht (feudal law), 1955 and 1956
the name given to the collection of explanatory notes on the Sachsenspiegel (cf. terms and translations) written by medieval legal scholars since the 14th century in the style of Italian legal commentaries; the earliest gloss is that of Johann von Buch (ca. 1325), edited by Frank-Michael Kaufmann as vol. 7 in the MGH series Fontes iuris Germanici antiqui, Nova series: Glossen zum Sachsenspiegel-Landrecht. Buch'sche Glosse, 2002.
saec[ulo] VII
(lat.) 7. Jahrhundert
sanctus amor patriae
(Lat.) holy love of the fatherland: the first words of the MGH motto, under which the institution was founded in 1819: "Sanctus amor patriae dat animum" - holy love of the fatherland gives the spirit, i.e. holy love of the fatherland gives motivation (to undertake the enormous task of editing the mountain of medieval Latin sources)
the foundation named after Friedrich Carl von Savigny devoted to the study of legal history
Schlüssel des Sächsischen Landrechts
German: literally "the key to Saxon common law": a systematic, alphabetically arranged handbuch of common law as contained in the Sachsenspiegel, the Sachsenspiegel-gloss by Johann von Buch, and the Schwabenspiegel
Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum
(Lat.) history writers of the Merovingian Age; a series in the MGH section Scriptores for editions of early medieval historiographical sources
(Lat.) so, thus
Sicherheitsdienst (SD)
German: security service, a division of the SS, see (in German):
(Information on NS organisations by the Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin)
Siegfriedgebiet (the Hindenburg Line)
The Hindenburg Line (German "Siegfriedlinie", not identical with the "Siegfried Line" in WWII) was a German defensive line on the Western Front in northern France in the First World War.
SS rer. Merov.
Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum = Geschichtsschreiber der Merowinger; MGH-Editionsreihe der Abteilung Scriptores
Order of St. Mauritius and St. Lazarus
an order of merit created in the 15th century by the Dukes of Savoy, see also Order of St. Lazarus
Statutes of the student body "deutsche Nation" at the university of Bologna
Acta Nationis Germanicae Vniversitatis Bononiensis ex archetypis Tabularii Malvezziani. Im Auftrag der Savigny-Stiftung herausgegeben von Ernst Friedländer und Carlo Malagola, Berlin 1887
summa cum laude
(Lat.) with the highest praise, the highest mark given to a doctoral thesis
Tholomeus (or Tolomeo) of Lucca
1236-1326/27, a student under St. Thomas Aquinas; repeatedly worked for the papal Curia; bishop of Torcello; wrote Annals edited in volume 8 of the MGH series Scriptores rerum Germanicarum, Nova series: Die Annalen des Tholomeus von Lucca in doppelter Fassung (Tholomei Lucensis Annales), hg. von Bernhard Schmeidler, 1930; and also a work on church history, edited as volume 39 of the MGH series Scriptores (in Folio): Tholomaeus von Lucca, Historia ecclesiastica nova nebst Fortsetzungen bis 1329, hg. Ottavio Clavuot nach Vorarbeiten von Ludwig Schmugge, 2009.
† 5 April 1226; clergyman, deacon and magister of the church of his home town, Faenza near Ravenna; wrote a chronicle of Faenza (Chronicon seu Historia Faventinae civitatis)
the Chronicon Faventinum of Tolosanus was edited in 1936-1939 by Giuseppe Rossini in volume 28,1 of the series "Rerum Italicarum Scriptores N. S."
(Lat.) tome, volume
tout a été égaré à la mort de ce dernier survenue peu après
(French): everything was lost as he died shortly thereafter
Ulrich of Bamberg
cleric of the cathedral church of Bamberg, lived in the 12th century; compiled a collection of letters and charters intended as models for writing such documents (Ars dictandi); his work is edited in volume 10 of the MGH series "Die Briefe der deutschen Kaiserzeit": Codex Udalrici, hg. von Klaus Naß, 2017
Unsere Aussichten
German: "our views", an anti-Semitic article written by Heinrich von Treitschke, published in the journal Preußische Jahrbücher, issue 44, November 1879, pp. 559–576; the publication unleashed the Berlin Anti-Semitism Debate 1879-1881
Untersuchungen zu den Faentiner Chroniken
studies on the chronicles of Faenza: Henry Simonsfeld, Untersuchungen zu den Faentiner Chroniken des Tolosanus und seiner Fortsetzer, in: Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-philologischen und der historischen Classe der k.b. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München, Jahrgang 1893, pp. 303-372.
a manuscript in the Biblioteca Vallicelliana in Rome
venia legendi
(Lat.) the permission to lecture and teach at a university; in German-speaking lands attained through a successful post-doctoral habilitation
verlogener Bösewicht in Göttingen
German: lying villain in Göttingen, a typical sort of expression used by Bruno Krusch, probably indicating an unidentified scholar in Göttingen who happened to be at odds with Krusch
verse vice
(Lat.) vice versa, and the other way around
Vie de saint Dizier, tirée d’un munuscrit de l’abbaye de Bellelaye
(French) The life of St. Desiderius edited from a manuscript in the Abbey of Bellelaye
Vie des saints de Franche-Comté
(French) the lives of the saints of Franche-Comté
Vita Columbae
(Lat.) the life of St. Columba - either St. Columba of Iona or St. Columba of Sens
Vita Desiderii et Reginfridi
(Lat.) The lives of saints Desiderius and Reginfrid (of Alsace), edited by Wilhelm Levison: Passio Desiderii episcopi et Reginfridi diaconi martyrum Alsegaudiensium, in: MGH SS Rer. Merov. 6 (1913), S. 51-63.
Vita Eligii
(Lat.) the life of St. Eligius of Noyon, edited by Bruno Krusch in MGH Scriptores rerum Merovingicarum 4, 1902.
Widukind von Corvey (auch Korvei)
ca. 925-973; Benedictine monk in the monastery of Corvey, wrote a history of the Saxons (Res gestae Saxonicae) dedicated to abbess Mathilda of Quedlinburg, a daughter of Emperor Otto I; his work is edited in volume 60 of the MGH series Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi: Die Sachsengeschichte des Widukind von Korvei (Widukindi monachi Corbeiensis Rerum gestarum Saxonicarum libri III), Anhang: Die Schrift über die Herkunft der Schwaben, hg. Paul Hirsch und Hans-Eberhard Lohmann, 1935.
* before 1000; † after 1046; a medieval Latin poet and historiographer; records himself as court chaplain of the Emperors Henry II., Conrad II, and Henry III; his most important works are: The biography of the Salic Emperor Conrad II (Die Lebensbeschreibung des salischen Kaisers Konrad II.; Gesta Chuonradi II. imperatoris) and his Easter musical sequence (Victimae paschali laudes); his works are edited by Harry Bresslau in: MGH SS rer. Germ. 61, printed 1878 and 1915 in an improved edition in the octave series
Central board of directors of the MGH
the administrative body of the "Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde" (cf. terms and translations), later the MGH, as provided for in the founding statutes; since 1875, an annual sitting of the regular members of the MGH with the purpose of finalising decisions about edition projects and their publications; the board is the electoral body at the election of a new chairperson or president.