Philipp Jaffé
From Jewish history to papal history
His dearest parents
Work at the MGH instead of a doctor's office
A high achiever
Professor at last
The feud
The catastrophy
Harry Bresslau
Taking a stand in the Berlin anti-Semitism debate
Jewish-German history
The MGH as a lifelong vocation
A German patriot and a liberal
A highly esteemed teacher
A turning point in his life
The work of a century
A widely travelled estate
Henry Simonsfeld
Promising beginnings
Travels in Italy
Greetings from Carinthia
Rancour about unpublished editions
Hurt scholarly pride
Italian connections
Teaching at the university
An unheard critic
Ludwig Traube
A shared passion
Fascination Bayreuth
A bond of scholarly interests and Jewish identity
Family obligations
A talent cadre for manuscript researchers
Fatal sickness
A precious legacy
Wilhelm Levison
An industrious assistant
The saviour of Gregory of Tours
Forced into retirement as a Jew
A cover up
Last-minute emigration
Secret contacts
Unbroken bonds
Posthumous recognition
Ernst Perels
Medieval manuscripts sent by mail
Italian manuscripts
Ernst Perels disappears
Forced resignation
An open lie
A matter of personal honour
Indispensable expertise
Erika Sinauer
A brilliant scholarly achievement
Well structured work materials
1934: Sinauer's employment continues
Great achievements despite discrimination
1938: Sinauer becomes an unwanted person
The end of a sterling worker
Documents on the MGH and anti-Semitism
The MGH in Serious Financial Difficulties, 1926
First Measures of the Nazi Dictatorship, 1933
Research according to Nazi principles, 1937
Jewish scholars still internally visible at the end of 1937
Jewish scholars officially fired at the end of 1938
The SS knew of Levison's continued work for the MGH in 1939
Persons Index
Terms and Translations
The Project
Welcoming Address by Dr Ludwig Spaenle
Jewish Scholars
Documents on the MGH and anti-Semitism
Jewish scholars officially fired at the end of 1938
Jewish scholars officially fired at the end of 1938
A letter from Edmund Ernst Stengel to Walter Holtzmann, November 19 1938